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Al Qanoon Fil Tib.pdf

Al Qanoon Fil Tib.pdf Al-Kanun: Encyclopedia of Tibb-i-Islamic (Vol.-5). Author: Avicenna. Publisher: Urdu Public Library. Per. from English: Qalandar-i-Abdullah (Abdullah an-Nawawi), Ibn Abu Hamid (Abu-l-Hasan Ali ibn al-Hussein al-Baghdadi). Translation, preface and notes by Doctor of Sciences, Professor Ismail-Ata, Doctor of Philology, Professor Navoi Aziz ibn Qavam ad-Din. Tashkent: Gafur Gulyam Literature and Art Publishing House, 1963. Translation from English and notes by Doctor of Philology, Professor Ismail Ata. 3e8ec1a487

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